Jerry Yan rushed to find doctor for past love; hinting as LCL
Source: UDN
Translation: Sarah @ http://asianfanatics.net
Since Jerry Yan shot to fame, his love life has attracted many people’s curiosity. Yesterday, he accepted an interview on ‘Shen Chun Hua’s Life Show’ and described his previous relationships as “not mature enough, don’t know to sweet-talk, childish and lack in confidence.”
During the recording, host Shen Chun Hua was curious about the previous rumours about Jerry thanking 2 women at his Japan concert, one was his mother, who was the other woman? After Jerry heard this, he ‘um’ed for a long time without replying, finally saying: “She’s too wonderful, I give her my blessing.”
Jerry revealed that after being an idol, he still very much desires love. He explained: “Love can help share the pressure from work and the unhappiness. A big part of happiness comes from relationships; it’s something you have to do living in this world.” He revealed that in the past, there was a girl he liked, who one day fell sick. He was very worried in private, and even asked Hou Wen Yong, who was working in Taiwan National University at the time, to help find the best doctor. However, he was too scared to tell the girl of all this.
He smiled saying, his biggest problem is that he “doesn’t know how to say it out.” Even Hou Wen Yong revealed that he previously helped Jerry write a letter of apology to a girl, but till today, this letter still has not yet been sent. Jerry explained: “Because at the time, I wasn’t prepared.” Jerry had met Hou Wen Yong during filming of ‘The Hospital’ and coincidentally, this was also around the time when Lin Chi Ling fell off her horse. Lin Chi Ling’s management company did not wish to reply on this.
posted by fatty2@asian fanatics.net
it was the reporter who said lin chi ling. at the end of the clip, its said Jerry never said out the words "lin chi ling". same as newspaper articles, its stated that Jerry, in the interview, never said the 3 words "lin chi ling".
i guess the media jumped to the conclusion it must be lin chi ling as its said that Jerry said the r'ship was b4 he became famous, that means prior to MG in 2001. but it was never mentioned when this r'ship ended, just that Jerry blamed himself for causing disappointment to the girl & being the cause of the breakdown in the r'ship bcos of his immaturity. that if the girl can find someone else whose good, he's happy for her as its better than for the girl to stay at his side & suffers.
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