【文字版】 言承旭與Astro雙星獨家訪問細談《心星的淚光》的點滴
Astro Special ~ Jerry’s Interview on {Starlit}
Q1 : 覺得自己在心星的淚光表現如何?
Q1 : How do you feel about your performance in Starlit?
J : 覺得還不賴吧!! 嗯。。。應該是說就「心星的淚光」整體上它都蠻好的,包括導演,導演就是很會拍這種...嗯...就是勾人家情緒的一些鏡頭跟畫面。
Jerry : It wasn’t too bad!! Mmm. . .I feel overall {Starlit} should be rather good. Furthermore, our Director is very good at his work . . . mmm . . . he can capture certain scenes which can draw on the audience’s emotions.
With a female lead like Guan Yin, she is actually . . . I feel her performance was very natural and I was able to discover that in fact . . . we have quite a few actresses like Guan Yin who are waiting to catch everyone’s attention.
然後相信大家看了「心星的淚光」一定會很喜歡裡面的這個角色。那包括我覺得其實其他演員都很棒啊! 像包括至愷啊、然後那個董爸啊、還有那個演我媽媽...我媽媽!
I believe everyone would like this role that I play in {Starlit}. Actually I feel that all the other actors are great as well! Including Zhi Kai and then Daddy Dong and also the actress that acted as my mother . . . my mum!
I feel that acting with them, I could capture different emotions and we were able to play off each other.
I was taken aback when I saw myself being such a natural and relaxed Jerry Yan. Mmm . . . I really need to thank everyone, because of them I was able to be better!
Q2 : 這一刻最想飾演甚麼樣的角色?
Q2 : What kind of role would you most like to play?
J : 類似像漸凍人吧! 就是說我覺得就是一些有可能身體上有殘疾或有疾病的,類似那樣。
Jerry : Kinda like someone with *ALS! I mean someone with some illness or a handicap.
I feel that this kind . . . This kind of role is very challenging and I feel that it would be a role that is has a lot of emotional clashes and upheavals . . .
In terms of acting, I feel it would require more layers and is extremely challenging.
* ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) ~ is a progressive, usually fatal, neurodegenerative disease caused by the degeneration of motor neurons, the nerve cells in the central nervous system that control voluntary muscle movement. The Chinese term that Jerry used 漸凍人 jian dong ren literally means a person who becomes gradually frozen.
Q3 : 演出心星的淚光後得到的啟發?
Q3 : After acting in {Starlit} did you get any inspiration?
J : 就是原來言承旭可以那麼快樂的在...(笑)在...在一部戲裡面去enjoy裡面的那個角色的情感吧就是...
That is Jerry Yan can so happily . . . (laughs) be at . . . enjoying myself immersing into this character and it is . . .
Like I feel before . . . I remember long ago . . . when the Director wanted a crying scene, I get very scared that I won’t be able to do that when I was suppose to . . . do you understand? It’s like everyone is waiting for you and yet you can’t shed a tear.
But I feel that in this serial I have gradually enjoyed the process . . . I think I want to act!
There were instances like what ‘my mother’ said at the Press Conference when I was acting with her. There was just the two of us and I cooked for her. Then the both of us just kept quiet but suddenly we stuffed our mouths . . . and then we cried but it looked so awful and ugly.
I have a very deep impression of that. I really enjoyed that . . . and in fact I was glad I could do it.
You could see that Jerry Yan doesn’t have any Idol baggage and in a scene, inside a character, with different scenes and varying plots . . . then he has . . . he has different transitions in his emotions.
然後不只是讓大家看到說他只是一個好像...就是一個偶像而已。對啊! 我希望大家可以看到一個比較真實的言承旭。
So everyone would not only say he is only like . . . a mere Idol. That’s right! I hope that everyone can see an even more true to life Jerry Yan.
Q4 : 談談你現在的近況。
Q4 : Would you like to talk about what’s going with you lately?
J : 接下來會拍新的作品,然後我現在也在...也在嗯...很..很...馬不停蹄的在錄音,因為我接下來可能會出新專輯。
Jerry : I have a new serial coming up and now I am at . . . at mmm . . . recording non-stop as my new album will be out soon.
Then . . . there might be some movie projects. I hope to be able to have different developments in the acting field.
Q5 : 對大馬的觀眾有甚麼話要說?
Q5 : Would you like to say something to the Malaysian audience?
J : 最後想要跟大馬的觀眾朋友說,嗯...其實對呀我能夠...言承旭可以去這邊的機會真的很少。
Jerry : I want to say to the friends in Malaysia, mmm . . . I actually . . . Jerry Yan has very few opportunities to go over there.
I hope that I will be able to go over there because of my new serial or album and I hope to see everyone and share with you, Jerry Yan’s growth.
Then also . . . mmm . . I know many from all over the world has always been supporting Jerry Yan and I wish to say to everyone that I hope that I won’t disappoint everyone and I really want to do better so that I can meet up to your expectations, thanks!
credits to mjerry@nbbbs.com
hi jerry yan! I'm an avid fan of yours from the Philippines..STARLIT...hmmm..I know its gonna be a hit...whatever role you take, i believe that you make the best of it...thanks and I hope that we'll meet each other in person when you visit us again in the Philippines..God Bless always!