Jerry Yan Fan Meet in Manila 2004

My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hot Shot related News - United Daily, Sept. 5

credit to
United Daily, Sept. 5

this article abt Jerry & the actor (Mr Zhao) who played his father in HS, how both tried to make the other laugh & NG when filming. & that after watching the BTS, netizens have a lively discussion & many expressed surprise as Jerry's role in HS is that of one whose unwilling to inherit the family's business, as such both father & son have a "icy" r'ship, yet the two men are so funny in their private interactions.

(fatty2: hahaha, i think Jerry & Mr Zhao acted so well in their roles in HS that the audience confused reel & real. its just like Jerry's DMS in MG, he acted so well that for quite long after that, ppl mistaken that he & DMS is same in character).

credits to fatty2@asianfanatics

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