Jerry Yan Fan Meet in Manila 2004

My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cute Guy wearing Cute Lil Chix Shirt

I love Episode 5. Am waiting for the subbed version.
He's cute .... haha ...YOU REALLY MADE MY DAY ---- HAPPY.

Gtg, am going to edit some clip for my Episode 5 MV

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    please..where can i buy this shirt??!! i'd like to wear one too. please, any of you have an idea or two where i can buy this?
