Jerry Yan Fan Meet in Manila 2004
My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Feel My Heart - wo hui hen ai ni
放在心里最真的WALKMAN fang zai xin li zui zhen de WALKMAN
The Walkman that is most true in my heart
桂綸鎂 gui lun mei
每一天有多少人mei yi tian you duo shao ren
How many people in every single day
會與你擦肩而過 hui yu ni ca jian er guo
Have rub shoulders with you and passed on by
又有多少人會走進你心裡 you you duo shao ren hui zou jin ni de xin li
How many people have walked into your heart
就次見面就佔據我心中 jiu ci jian mian jiu zhan ju wo xin zhong
Again you take possession of my heart at one mere look
目守星空只為你等候 mou shou xing kong zhi wei ni deng hou
Searching upon the starry skies I wait only for you
每個角落擦肩而過 mei ge jiao luo cha jian er guo
At every corner we had rubbed shoulders but yet missed each other
被緣份作弄 bei yuan fen zuo nong
Destiny has made fools of us
突然相遇在轉角的街頭 tu ran xing yu zai zhuan jiao de jie tou
Suddenly we meet round the bend at a street corner
抬頭感動我只想對你說 tai tou gan dong wo zhi xiang dui ni shuo
Lifting my head I was touched and all I want is to say to you
快樂難過不能錯過 kuai le nan guo bun eng cuo guo
Be it happy or sad I won’t want to miss anything
對你的承諾 dui ni de cheng nuo
That is my promise to you
我不太浪漫 你說很習慣 wo bu lang man bu shuo hen xi guan
I am not romantic but you’ve said that you are used to that
我的肩膀給你很多安全感 wo de jian bang gei ni hen duo an quan gan
My shoulders brought you such security
親你的手擁着你 qin ni de shou yong zhe ni
I kiss your hand and held you close
向天空盡情吶喊 xiang tian kong jin qing na han
Shouting with all my might towards the sky
我會很愛你 wo hui hen ai ni
I will love you very deeply
一百個世紀 yi bai ge shi ji
For one hundred centuries
很愛 很愛 你 沒人能代替 hen ai hen ai ni mei you ren neng dai ti
Love you, love you very much and no one can take your place
未來流行 WALKMAN wei lai liu xing WALKMAN
A future trend would be WALKMAN
記錄着愛情 ji lu zhe ai qing
Recording about Love
我的心 永遠不變 wo de xin yong yuan bu bian
My heart will never ever change
我會很愛你 wo hui hen ai ni
I will love you very deeply
言承旭 Jerry ~
每一天有多少會與你擦肩而過 mei tian you duo shao hui yu ni cha jian er guo
How many people have rubbed shoulders with you and just passed on by
卻只有一個人 走進你心裡 que zhi you yi ge ren zou jin ni xin lin
Yet only 1 person will walk into your heart
原來有些事情 並沒有錯過 yuan lai you xie shi qing bing mei you cuo guo
Actually for some things, you didn’t miss it
只是晚到了一點 zhi shi wan dao le
It was just a little late in coming
就次見面就佔據我心中 jiu ci jian mian jiu zhan ju wo xin zhong
Again you take possession of my heart at one mere look
目守星空只為你等候 mou shou xing kong zhi wei ni deng hou
Searching upon the starry skies I wait only for you
每個角落擦肩而過 mei ge jiao luo cha jian er guo
At every corner we had rubbed shoulders but yet missed each other
被緣份作弄 bei yuan fen zuo nong
Destiny has made fools of us
突然相遇在轉角的街頭 tu ran xing yu zai zhuan jiao de jie tou
Suddenly we meet round the bend at a street corner
抬頭感動我只想對你說 tai tou gan dong wo zhi xiang dui ni shuo
Lifting my head I was touched and all I want is to say to you
快樂難過不能錯過 kuai le nan guo bun eng cuo guo
Be it happy or sad I won’t want to miss anything
對你的承諾 dui ni de cheng nuo
That is my promise to you
我不太浪漫 你說很習慣 wo bu lang man bu shuo hen xi guan
I am not romantic but you’ve said that you are used to that
我的肩膀給你很多安全感 wo de jian bang gei ni hen duo an quan gan
My shoulders brought you such security
親你的手擁着你 qin ni de shou yong zhe ni
I kiss your hand and held you close
向天空盡情吶喊 xiang tian kong jin qing na han
Shouting with all my might towards the sky
我會很愛你 wo hui hen ai ni
I will love you very deeply
一百個世紀 yi bai ge shi ji
For one hundred centuries
很愛 很愛 你 沒人能代替 hen ai hen ai ni mei you ren neng dai ti
Love you, love you very much and no one can take your place
未來流行 WALKMAN wei lai liu xing WALKMAN
A future trend would be WALKMAN
記錄着愛情 ji lu zhe ai qing
Recording about Love
我的心 永遠不變 wo de xin yong yuan bu bian
My heart will never ever change
我會很愛你 wo hui hen ai ni
I will love you very deeply
黑夜到黎明 很愛 很愛你 hei ye dao li ming hen ai hen ai
I love you so very deeply from nightfall till dawn
世紀不休息 shi jib u xiu xi
Not resting even after a century
打開WALKMAN 隨時就能聽見你 da kai WALKMAN sui shi jiu neng ting jian ni
Switching on my WALKMAN, I can hear you anytime
我最愛你最愛的你 wo zui ai zui ai de ni
You are the one that I love the most
credits to
video credits to mjerry
Download MP3 Here
jerry yan,
sony mp3 walkman
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hot Shot Episode - Summaries and Links
You can read the summaries and download the links or watch it online at Jerry Yan Philippines Yahoogroups
(You have to be a member first in order to receive updates on our mailing list)
or check out for details
(You have to be a member first in order to receive updates on our mailing list)
or check out for details
Hot Shot Ending Song by Jerry
credits to
Hot Shot Ending Song by Jerry
一半 yi ban
The Other Half
一直等一個人等了很久 yi zhi deng yi ge ren deng le hen jiu
Been waiting for that someone for such a long time
這一場獨角戲是很寂寞 yi chang du jiao xi shi hen ji mo
A solo act is so very lonely
春夏秋冬我的窗口 chun xia qiu dong wo de chuang kou
My window through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
只有風經過 zhi you feng jing guo
Only the wind passes by
愛得深有多深 ai de shen you duo shen
Love deeply yet how deep is it
我也不懂 wo ye bu dong
I don’t know
你的喉我的心變得脆弱 ni de hou wo de sin bian de cui ruo
Your throat and my heart have weakened
聽一首歌也覺得痛 ting yi shou ge ye jue de tong
I feel the pain even after listening to a song
但我誰也沒有說dan wo shei ye mei you shuo
But I didn’t speak of it to anyone
右邊的座位右邊的枕頭you bian de zuo wei you bian de shen tou
The seat on my right, the pillow on my right
都已經空了那麼久 dou yi jing kong le na me jiu
Have been empty for such a long time
為你守候 wei ni shou hou
Waiting only for you
那是因為我已經看透 na shi yin wei wo yi jing kan tou
It’s all because I’ve finally understood
沒有你的愛 mei you ni de ai
Without your love
這個我只是一半 zhe ge wo zhi shi yi ban
I am only but one half
不哭了不笑了 bu ku le bu xiao le
Not crying, not laughing
為誰努力我也不明白wei shei nu li wo ye bu ming bai
I don’t understand for whom do I work hard for
沒有人能取代 mei you ren neng qu dai
No one can take your place
一個圓的另一半 yi ge yuan de ling yi ban
One half of a circle
我固執地等待wo gu zhi de deng dai
I stubbornly wait on
等風再把你帶回來 deng feng zai ba ni dai hui lai
Waiting for the wind to bring you back
Hot Shot Ending Song by Jerry
一半 yi ban
The Other Half
一直等一個人等了很久 yi zhi deng yi ge ren deng le hen jiu
Been waiting for that someone for such a long time
這一場獨角戲是很寂寞 yi chang du jiao xi shi hen ji mo
A solo act is so very lonely
春夏秋冬我的窗口 chun xia qiu dong wo de chuang kou
My window through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
只有風經過 zhi you feng jing guo
Only the wind passes by
愛得深有多深 ai de shen you duo shen
Love deeply yet how deep is it
我也不懂 wo ye bu dong
I don’t know
你的喉我的心變得脆弱 ni de hou wo de sin bian de cui ruo
Your throat and my heart have weakened
聽一首歌也覺得痛 ting yi shou ge ye jue de tong
I feel the pain even after listening to a song
但我誰也沒有說dan wo shei ye mei you shuo
But I didn’t speak of it to anyone
右邊的座位右邊的枕頭you bian de zuo wei you bian de shen tou
The seat on my right, the pillow on my right
都已經空了那麼久 dou yi jing kong le na me jiu
Have been empty for such a long time
為你守候 wei ni shou hou
Waiting only for you
那是因為我已經看透 na shi yin wei wo yi jing kan tou
It’s all because I’ve finally understood
沒有你的愛 mei you ni de ai
Without your love
這個我只是一半 zhe ge wo zhi shi yi ban
I am only but one half
不哭了不笑了 bu ku le bu xiao le
Not crying, not laughing
為誰努力我也不明白wei shei nu li wo ye bu ming bai
I don’t understand for whom do I work hard for
沒有人能取代 mei you ren neng qu dai
No one can take your place
一個圓的另一半 yi ge yuan de ling yi ban
One half of a circle
我固執地等待wo gu zhi de deng dai
I stubbornly wait on
等風再把你帶回來 deng feng zai ba ni dai hui lai
Waiting for the wind to bring you back
Sunday, July 27, 2008
watch hot shot here
Video clips at Ustream
Earlier, i held a live streaming via webcam for our friends who would like to watch Hot Shot or at least take a glimpse of what's happening. I know online streaming is also available, but some of our friends are having hard time connecting to the server.
Well, Overall - the pilot episode ROCKS! It was over 120 minutes and with 30 minutes Behind the Scene Features.
I grabbed my fone and recorded this one particular scene that i love.
DFX vs WJZ - Face Off
Earlier, i held a live streaming via webcam for our friends who would like to watch Hot Shot or at least take a glimpse of what's happening. I know online streaming is also available, but some of our friends are having hard time connecting to the server.
Well, Overall - the pilot episode ROCKS! It was over 120 minutes and with 30 minutes Behind the Scene Features.
I grabbed my fone and recorded this one particular scene that i love.
DFX vs WJZ - Face Off
Friday, July 25, 2008
Jerry Denied Request To Decrease Xiao Zhong's Parts in Skipbeat

July 25, 2008, China Times
Totally Focuses on October's Concerts in Japan Jerry Denied Request To Decrease Xiao Zhong's Parts in Skipbeat
After working with new agency, JVR, Yan Cheng Xu (Jerry) now totally focuses on October's concerts in Japan and the preparation of his upcoming solo album. Besides, a lot of idol dramas eagerly invite him to be part of the cast. Days ago, he finished filming a new MP3 commercial with Gui Lun Mei. He also sang the commercial song, Really Love You. This is his newest song since the last F4 album released last year, and this song has become the talking point of fans' discussion.
Shortly before, it was rumored that GTV's idol drama, Skipbeat, has arranged Yan Cheng Xu, Ariel Lin, and Joe Zheng to be the cast, and Yan Cheng Xu requested to decrease Xiao Zhong's parts, so Xiao Zhong quitted Skipbeat. JVR denied this rumor, and indicates that invitation of this drama was received but until now it has not confirmed to accept the role or not. JVR further emphasized that Yan Cheng Xu has never requested to decrease anyone's parts in a drama.
Although there were rumors, Yan Cheng Xu's mood was not affected. Recently, for the upcoming F4 concerts in Japan, he practises dancing and playing piano continuously, and hopes that in the concerts he can perform something different from the past.
Besides, the new commercial song, Really Love You, is just a warm-up of Yan Cheng Xu's upcoming solo album. This song's rhythm style is the kind that he is good at intrepreting. However, after he received the music and lyrics, he still spent a lot of time practising at home before going in the recording studio. That's why he completed the recording in the studio without much hassle.
credits to
Thursday, July 24, 2008
China Times, July 20 (Jerry Yan in Sony Mp3 CM News)
July 20, 2008
China Times
It was reported that although Yan Cheng Xu acted romantic and fell in love with Dai Li Ren's rumored girlfriend, Gui Lun Mei, in the newest cm, he didn't worry that Dai Li Ren would get jealous. This MP3 cm is being released on Sony's website. As its beautiful scenes correspond with a story, the number of hits has been extremely high.
New drama, Hot Shot, will be broadcasted soon, but Yan Cheng Xu didn't plan to attend any promotional activities. However, he is not free. Other than recording the upcoming album, invitations for cms/endorsement are nonstop. For only the first half of the year, he finished filming 2 idol dramas, Hot Shot and Stardust. Including 7-11 and MP3's new cms, he has had at least NT30 millions of talent fee. Not mentioning that there will F4's 6 concerts in Japan and another idol drama, Skipbeat. His money making ability is shocking.
In this new Sony cm, Yan Cheng Xu released a new song from his solo album. Yan Cheng Xu honestly mentioned that he is always thirst for the kind of romance in the cm. When he studied at school, he once secretly admired a girl. When he got to school, he couldn't help but looking for her, and he felt that this kind of happiness is so pure. Regarding working with Gui Lun Mei for the first time, Yan Cheng Xu said that she is a natural girl without any affectation. On the other hand, Gui Lun Mei described Yan Cheng Xu, "In private, he is a fascinating guy, but he is very serious at work to the point that even sometimes I want to play a joke on him, I won't dare to."
credits to
*naku alam ko na yang kwento na yan kuya, wala na bang bago? hihihi
China Times
It was reported that although Yan Cheng Xu acted romantic and fell in love with Dai Li Ren's rumored girlfriend, Gui Lun Mei, in the newest cm, he didn't worry that Dai Li Ren would get jealous. This MP3 cm is being released on Sony's website. As its beautiful scenes correspond with a story, the number of hits has been extremely high.
New drama, Hot Shot, will be broadcasted soon, but Yan Cheng Xu didn't plan to attend any promotional activities. However, he is not free. Other than recording the upcoming album, invitations for cms/endorsement are nonstop. For only the first half of the year, he finished filming 2 idol dramas, Hot Shot and Stardust. Including 7-11 and MP3's new cms, he has had at least NT30 millions of talent fee. Not mentioning that there will F4's 6 concerts in Japan and another idol drama, Skipbeat. His money making ability is shocking.
In this new Sony cm, Yan Cheng Xu released a new song from his solo album. Yan Cheng Xu honestly mentioned that he is always thirst for the kind of romance in the cm. When he studied at school, he once secretly admired a girl. When he got to school, he couldn't help but looking for her, and he felt that this kind of happiness is so pure. Regarding working with Gui Lun Mei for the first time, Yan Cheng Xu said that she is a natural girl without any affectation. On the other hand, Gui Lun Mei described Yan Cheng Xu, "In private, he is a fascinating guy, but he is very serious at work to the point that even sometimes I want to play a joke on him, I won't dare to."
credits to
*naku alam ko na yang kwento na yan kuya, wala na bang bago? hihihi
jerry yan
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hot Shot - My own countdown
Ang mahulog, talo! hahaha!
So this is my own version of having a countdown ...
So excited to see this new series. This is fantastic.
Wear your jerseys ... Bring out your pompoms
wala lang pang alis inis pesteng PLDT yan!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jerry Yan & Terri Kwan rumoured not getting along; both not present at “Starlit” wrap-up party
Jerry (left) and Terri (right); romantic scene in "Starlit"
source: ChinaTimes
translated by: x-WISHFULthinking
Main leads Jerry Yan & Terri Kwan in upcoming Taiwanese drama “Starlit” are rumoured to be not getting along; their relationship is said to be “ice cold” during filming. On the 17th, “Starlit” had its wrap-up party, everyone was present except for Jerry and Terri. Jerry’s manager expressed: “Jerry was at the recording studio for his album, as he has to co-operate with the production companys' schedule." Terri’s manager expressed: “Terri had intestinal problems and heat stroke, hence she was not there.” Her manager also added that Terri and Jerry often tease and make fun of each other during filming; their relationship is actually very good.
During the wrap-up party, the director said that Jerry had initiated hugging with the 2 female leads, and even hugged the director. Regarding the constant negative news about Jerry, the director, who has worked with Jerry in 2 dramas, said this is the public’s misunderstanding. Also, Liu Rui Qi, who plays Jerry’s mum in the drama said: “He is very cute big boy, not at all like how the media describes him.”
Originally Posted at AF
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jerry and Sony DV Cam
Ok after repeating the commercial over and over again. I noticed that Jerry is also holding a dv cam. Oh noh, is this a sigh? I changed my mind (in an instant), I really need a dv cam for our stalking moments and gatherings....hahaha. Need to budget first.
credits to me bwahahaha
jerry yan,
sony dv cam
Jerry Yan - Sony MP3 Walkman CM
Actually i have plans of buying a new mobile fone since its already "dying" ... but when i saw this CM, I realize i should get a new mp3 player too ....
Which one to choose? Is it available Internationally? Sigh. I don't know. I'll go around the malls and ask around. Jerry should be on the "cover poster of their stores or else, am not buying it hahaha ... i don't know how much ... who cares.

More photos on our album....
Goodness I was so tired from work .... This is the BEST Friday. Now, I can't sleep. I am so addicted to your New CM.

I love the Theme Song. waaaaaah....
Posted by Jessie @ AnD

Which one to choose? Is it available Internationally? Sigh. I don't know. I'll go around the malls and ask around. Jerry should be on the "cover poster of their stores or else, am not buying it hahaha ... i don't know how much ... who cares.
More photos on our album....
Goodness I was so tired from work .... This is the BEST Friday. Now, I can't sleep. I am so addicted to your New CM.
I love the Theme Song. waaaaaah....
Posted by Jessie @ AnD
- Built-in Bluetooth (AVRCP1.3 A2DP)
- Slim Size and Light Weight
- High Quality Video Playback (AVC(H.264/AVC)/MPEG-4)
- 2.4 Inch QVGA High Brightness Color LCD
- Superior Sound Quality (4 Clear Audio Technologies)
- High Quality EX-Headphones Supplied
- User-Friendly interface for easy operation
- Multi Codec Support (Mp3/AAC/WMA/L-PCM)
- 36Hrs(MP3)/10Hrs(MPEG-4) Long Battery Life
- Video File delete Function
jerry yan,
sony mp3 walkman
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Stardust shooting ended
credits to kym at
~ 15th July 2008 ~
聽聞今天是"星心的淚光"殺青的日子 Heard that the Starlit shoot ended today
剛剛知道下午殺青後 Just knew that it was the shoot was completed this afternoon
Jerry和林導擁抱時忍不住紅了眼眶 When Jerry and Director Lin hugged, he was holding back tears in his eyes
他硬ㄍ一ㄥ著沒讓眼淚流下來 He controlled himself and did not tear
這幾個月趕拍的日子 These months of non-stop filming
他一定感觸很深 He must have felt it the most
沒能去現場給他加油 Wasn’t able to go and cheer him on personally
真的覺得遺憾 I really feel bad about it
從拍攝 "籃球火" 到"星心的淚光" 殺青的這段期間 From ‘Hot Shot’ till the end of filming ‘Starlit’
他手也撞腫了還撞傷頸部 His hand was swollen and he hurt his neck
牙齦發炎 褲子也越來越鬆 His teeth was infected and his pants were getting looser
但是他總是不吭一聲 Yet he didn’t say a word
就是要做到最好 All he wanted was to do his best
加上還不停有很多莫名的抹黑指控 Furthermore those incessant ridiculous accusations
和不實的報料傳言 False reports and rumours
真的讓我們非常的心疼 All have caused us our hearts to ache so
他一直就是拼了命的在努力 He has always done his utmost to give his all
單純想把戲拍好 Just simply wanted to act well
咬牙硬撐 埋頭苦幹 Bit his lips and kept on working
卻不會幫自己辯解的傻小子 Yet we can’t help this silly guy who can’t defend himself
藉由有旭迷在SJ開的帖 " 賀! 星心的淚光順利殺青!"
A fan started this post at SJ “Wishing Starlit Smooth Sailing for the End of Shoot”
不管是要祝賀 加油 鼓勵 還是花痴的 Whether we are just wishing, cheering him on, supporting or just being HC
希望大家都去跟Jerry說說話 Hope that all of us can leave our messages for Jerry
他常常都唸著要旭迷去留言給他 He often reminds us to leave messages for him
戲拍完之後的空檔 Since he is free after the shoot
他一定會上網看到的喔 He will definitely go online to have a look
~ End of 15th July 2008 ~
Sigh, how can i leave my message? I must renew my membership first. bwahahaha!
~ 15th July 2008 ~
聽聞今天是"星心的淚光"殺青的日子 Heard that the Starlit shoot ended today
剛剛知道下午殺青後 Just knew that it was the shoot was completed this afternoon
Jerry和林導擁抱時忍不住紅了眼眶 When Jerry and Director Lin hugged, he was holding back tears in his eyes
他硬ㄍ一ㄥ著沒讓眼淚流下來 He controlled himself and did not tear
這幾個月趕拍的日子 These months of non-stop filming
他一定感觸很深 He must have felt it the most
沒能去現場給他加油 Wasn’t able to go and cheer him on personally
真的覺得遺憾 I really feel bad about it
從拍攝 "籃球火" 到"星心的淚光" 殺青的這段期間 From ‘Hot Shot’ till the end of filming ‘Starlit’
他手也撞腫了還撞傷頸部 His hand was swollen and he hurt his neck
牙齦發炎 褲子也越來越鬆 His teeth was infected and his pants were getting looser
但是他總是不吭一聲 Yet he didn’t say a word
就是要做到最好 All he wanted was to do his best
加上還不停有很多莫名的抹黑指控 Furthermore those incessant ridiculous accusations
和不實的報料傳言 False reports and rumours
真的讓我們非常的心疼 All have caused us our hearts to ache so
他一直就是拼了命的在努力 He has always done his utmost to give his all
單純想把戲拍好 Just simply wanted to act well
咬牙硬撐 埋頭苦幹 Bit his lips and kept on working
卻不會幫自己辯解的傻小子 Yet we can’t help this silly guy who can’t defend himself
藉由有旭迷在SJ開的帖 " 賀! 星心的淚光順利殺青!"
A fan started this post at SJ “Wishing Starlit Smooth Sailing for the End of Shoot”
不管是要祝賀 加油 鼓勵 還是花痴的 Whether we are just wishing, cheering him on, supporting or just being HC
希望大家都去跟Jerry說說話 Hope that all of us can leave our messages for Jerry
他常常都唸著要旭迷去留言給他 He often reminds us to leave messages for him
戲拍完之後的空檔 Since he is free after the shoot
他一定會上網看到的喔 He will definitely go online to have a look
~ End of 15th July 2008 ~
Sigh, how can i leave my message? I must renew my membership first. bwahahaha!
Hot Shot Breaks Record of Taiwanese Idol Dramas, Tuesday July 15, 2008 Taiwan
Hot Shot Breaks Record of Taiwanese Idol Dramas, Tuesday July 15, 2008 Taiwan
Source: QianLong
Translated by o_ost1nao_o @ Show Lo's International English Forum
At the moment it seems hard to get all three of the stars of Taiwan idol drama “Hot Shot,” Show Lo, Jerry Yan, and Chun Wu together, so the television station put an emphasis in merchandise, using $3 million NTD to design 40+ merchandise products, becoming the Taiwanese drama with the most merchandising in the history of idol dramas. Besides photos and video games(?), there are also all types of stationary, key chains, digital photo frames, and what they believe will be the best-selling, the bolster. The television station says that the price of the bolster has yet to be set, but they will probably auction if off in limited editions.
The television station had originally wanted to release bed sheets with the 3 main characters imprinted on them. But afterwards, the management of the three guys heard screaming from the fans, so they decided to release bolsters instead. A staff members said, “Being able to hug their idol to sleep, fans would probably be satisfied enough.”
“Hot Shot” is soon to air, and ever since the drama started filming, there has been tons of news from the media about the three’s fighting over being the main character, and now Jerry Yan is unable to attend the “Hot Shot” premiere, with clamor from netizens. “Yan-huggers” are complaining about how the television station is maltreating Jerry, “When the drama was first filmed, they should have known that he was going to go on promotions that fit into his schedule, so they shouldn’t say that he’s being uncompromising.” “Pig-huggers” are all extremely excited for Show’s magnificent performance, complimenting him about how he’s handsome and eye-catching.
thanks to Jacinta @ Onlyf4
Source: QianLong
Translated by o_ost1nao_o @ Show Lo's International English Forum
At the moment it seems hard to get all three of the stars of Taiwan idol drama “Hot Shot,” Show Lo, Jerry Yan, and Chun Wu together, so the television station put an emphasis in merchandise, using $3 million NTD to design 40+ merchandise products, becoming the Taiwanese drama with the most merchandising in the history of idol dramas. Besides photos and video games(?), there are also all types of stationary, key chains, digital photo frames, and what they believe will be the best-selling, the bolster. The television station says that the price of the bolster has yet to be set, but they will probably auction if off in limited editions.
The television station had originally wanted to release bed sheets with the 3 main characters imprinted on them. But afterwards, the management of the three guys heard screaming from the fans, so they decided to release bolsters instead. A staff members said, “Being able to hug their idol to sleep, fans would probably be satisfied enough.”
“Hot Shot” is soon to air, and ever since the drama started filming, there has been tons of news from the media about the three’s fighting over being the main character, and now Jerry Yan is unable to attend the “Hot Shot” premiere, with clamor from netizens. “Yan-huggers” are complaining about how the television station is maltreating Jerry, “When the drama was first filmed, they should have known that he was going to go on promotions that fit into his schedule, so they shouldn’t say that he’s being uncompromising.” “Pig-huggers” are all extremely excited for Show’s magnificent performance, complimenting him about how he’s handsome and eye-catching.
thanks to Jacinta @ Onlyf4
Hot Shot Photo Book, The Commotion Before The Sale, Monday July 14, 2008 Taiwan
Hot Shot Photo Book, The Commotion Before The Sale, Monday July 14, 2008 Taiwan
Source: CDNS
Translated by o_ost1nao_o @ Show Lo's International English Forum
A photo book for “Hot Shot,” starring the three big idols Jerry Yan, Show Lo, and Chun Wu, is book fans that are waiting to collect. Kadokawa Media has already received many inquiries by fans as to when the book will be released, and any related info on events and such. In the book, there documents different pains and funny stories from the different main actors, and you look at it through their perspective, so you can go further into the drama’s story, character personalities and feelings.
Also, the “Hot Shot Photo Book” also has unaired captures from the drama and behind the scenes; everything is all collected in the book. Even though this drama is based on basketball, with most of the drama focused on the nerve-racking and intense basketball games, and love between family and friends. But it also includes plenty of humor, comedy, and silly imaginations.
The one with the most heavy responsibilities for the elements of the drama, is Yuan Da Ying, whom Show Lo portrays, and the serious Jerry Yan, was also given many silly, make-believe moves, especially scenes with female co-star Chou Tsai Shih, there are even more comic-like, exaggerated body movements. These behind-the-scenes are must-collect pictures for fans that like the drama and characters.
The “Hot Shot Photo Book” will go on pre-order until the 28th. Everyone can go and order your copies at Books, Kingstone, and Kadokawa’s websites, not only will you enjoy the discounted prices, but also limited gifts.
In “Hot Shot,” Dong Fang Xiang (Jerry Yan) and Yuan Da Ying (Show Lo) both like Zhan Jie Er (Chou Tsai Shih) at the same time. If this happened in real life, where he and his friend like the same girl at the same time, how would Jerry deal with this? Jerry thought about it and said, “I’ll probably let my friend try first! Because we’ve had many years of friendship, and maybe I’ve just meat the girl, and so I won’t know how compatible we are? If this happens, the years of friendship is more important.”
Even though in the drama Show Lo and Chun Wu are on opposing teams, but during breaks in filming, Show and Chun talk about their experiences in business! Chun has his own gym in Brunei and sells his branded activewear, and Show also has his clothing stores. So the two of the often talk about material quality, where to get them, and other information related to that.
thanks to Jacinta @ Onlyf4
Source: CDNS
Translated by o_ost1nao_o @ Show Lo's International English Forum
A photo book for “Hot Shot,” starring the three big idols Jerry Yan, Show Lo, and Chun Wu, is book fans that are waiting to collect. Kadokawa Media has already received many inquiries by fans as to when the book will be released, and any related info on events and such. In the book, there documents different pains and funny stories from the different main actors, and you look at it through their perspective, so you can go further into the drama’s story, character personalities and feelings.
Also, the “Hot Shot Photo Book” also has unaired captures from the drama and behind the scenes; everything is all collected in the book. Even though this drama is based on basketball, with most of the drama focused on the nerve-racking and intense basketball games, and love between family and friends. But it also includes plenty of humor, comedy, and silly imaginations.
The one with the most heavy responsibilities for the elements of the drama, is Yuan Da Ying, whom Show Lo portrays, and the serious Jerry Yan, was also given many silly, make-believe moves, especially scenes with female co-star Chou Tsai Shih, there are even more comic-like, exaggerated body movements. These behind-the-scenes are must-collect pictures for fans that like the drama and characters.
The “Hot Shot Photo Book” will go on pre-order until the 28th. Everyone can go and order your copies at Books, Kingstone, and Kadokawa’s websites, not only will you enjoy the discounted prices, but also limited gifts.
In “Hot Shot,” Dong Fang Xiang (Jerry Yan) and Yuan Da Ying (Show Lo) both like Zhan Jie Er (Chou Tsai Shih) at the same time. If this happened in real life, where he and his friend like the same girl at the same time, how would Jerry deal with this? Jerry thought about it and said, “I’ll probably let my friend try first! Because we’ve had many years of friendship, and maybe I’ve just meat the girl, and so I won’t know how compatible we are? If this happens, the years of friendship is more important.”
Even though in the drama Show Lo and Chun Wu are on opposing teams, but during breaks in filming, Show and Chun talk about their experiences in business! Chun has his own gym in Brunei and sells his branded activewear, and Show also has his clothing stores. So the two of the often talk about material quality, where to get them, and other information related to that.
thanks to Jacinta @ Onlyf4
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