credit to a1958@nbbbs.com
translation by fatty2@asianfanatics.net
June 3, 2008
United Daily News
source: http://udn.com/NEWS/ENTERTAINMENT/ENT1/4367777.shtml
According to United Daily, Jerry's presence in Shanghai attracted all the Shanghai gouzai to the filming scenes. the production crew were saying that already filmed in Shanghai many days, no gouzai. but when Jerry appeared, so did the gouzai.
E-news in Taiwan, HK & China are always in demand & in China, even though media is strictly control but still in recent years, there appeared gouzai who make a living from selling pixs to various parties. Yan Cheng Xu is Taiwan No. 1 idol, rarely goes to China for filming, thereby the China gouzai is out in force.
As Yan Cheng Yu had suffered due to gum inflammation problems, he’s still taking medication & there was no relapse. but as he still worries about it, he's been taking care to sleep early after finishing work.
The crew are very happy that Dir Lin whose known for his bad temper, has been in a very good mood these past few days. at the filming scene, he was seen chatting & laughing with Jerry. Starlit is scheduled to complete filming in Shanghai by end June & will be going back to Taiwan for filming. Jerry & Dir Lin have great understanding between them, some days can complete filming 40 scenes per day, super fast.
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