Jerry Yan Fan Meet in Manila 2004

My first time to see Jerry Yan at NBC Tent for Bench endorsement. I ask my brother Azrael to cover the event. His first experience in vlogging! I'll write a blog post about this memorable-chaotic-unforgettable experience!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

TH is nominated as one of the best Asian TV series in the 13th Shanghai Television Festival.

info from Yan Xiao Yu
credits to yami @

TH is nominated as one of the best Asian TV series in the 13th Shanghai Television Festival.

Leon Dai is nominated in the best actor category as well.

Awards night is on June 15, 2007 , 7:30pm

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    i dont think its a nice idea that gma 7 had the rights that they wanted meteor garden to be their own..i mean,abs cbn own it first and now they want to take it,,..there's just no originality in that company..thats why abs cbn is no. 1.
