Taiwan tourism idol drama produced by Angie Chai "Guo Shi De Yan Lei" is scheduled to start filming in July. Regarding the cast, she said: "U may not know, F4 is now renamed as JVKV (representing the 1st alphabet from each of their english names).
She expressed that after changing name, there will be no sayings of new F4 or who replacing who. From the start, Jerry and Vanness are unable to participate fully coz they have other work planned. Only Zai & Ken will be the main lead.
"F4" is now a well known name, to change now is not easy.
Angie Chai explained, F4 is a name for the characters in Hana Yori Dango. At that time, they had the rights to use the name from the Japan publisher. But now, Japan has also filmed their own version of the drama, in the future there will be different countries of F4. Therefore, the publishers hope that they will not use "F4" for non Hana Yori Dango related matters.
For the international fans gathering held recently, they have already start using the name "JVKV"
Source: http://stars. zaobao.com/ pages5/f4070428. html
Thanks to MICHI of ONLYF4
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