credits to kkla
According to today's Liberty Times, it was reported that fans can't just see their idols, they may be able to touch them, or even have a 'love hug'. The meet session's organizer, Chao Ji Yuan Ding
(kkla: this is also Ge Fu Hong's company), stated that 80 media organizations from Japan including major newspapers, and even BBC will send representatives to TW for reporting the event.
In order to make fans comfortable, 80 buses will be used to send fans to the venue and over 200 staff will help maintain the order. Language used in the meet session will be Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
In addition, in order to satisfy some fans who will wait outside but can't attend the session, official souvenirs/endorsing products of each member (and Vanness' new album) will be displayed and sold outside the venue, so a competition is secretly going on that it will be clear on that day who is the most popular.
In order to support one's idol, fans have started to compete with each other. According to source, Yan Cheng Xu's fans will cover the site with tons of flowers. As for now, 35 flower baskets have been collected, and Tourist Bureau has arranged a location to receive all the flower baskets from Yan Cheng Xu's fans. On the other hand, F3's fans will support their idols with lots of signs.
According to Yan Xiao Yu, from the Japanese version of SJ's urgent notice, it reviewed the location of the fanfests will be Asia Life Shopping Mall, which has 15 and 3 basement floors. The most possible location is Fu Ye Club
(don't know it's official English name. Auyinling stated that she almost misread it as Bao Ye Club. Bao Ye is a nickname of Jerry called by TH's staff. Bao as in Bao Long and Ye is a respectful term for someone who has higher status) on the 8th floor. BTW, on the 15th floor, there is a spa-public bath place that some fans joked about it being the possible location for fanfests.
In order to watch the meet session on I'm TV, you need to sign up as a member first. It is free and it is very simple.
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Surprisingly, a news article by Nan Fang Du Shi Bao (Guangzhou, Mainland China) gave Jerry's acting in TH satisfactory scores. Jerry's acting in TH was scored in 5 different areas, from 75 to 85 points. Said it was rare, as this newspaper's reporting style is like Liberty Times that it rarely has good words on Jerry. This time, although the scores were relatively not high enough, at least the critique was mostly not harsh, or even fair, such as "Allow us to see a Yan Cheng Xu who has successfully got away from idol drama",
"Yan Cheng Xu fully displayed Su Yi Hua's characteristics", "it was a comprehensive test for Yan Cheng Xu's acting and he performed well in every aspect following his heart", etc... Having satisfactory scores by Nan Fang Du Shi Bao can be considered as "Good" actually.
Heard that there were totally 4 pages about TH and they are mainly for HKTVB's broadcast tomorrow.